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Young parent's sharing their stories in school's to teach young people the realities of teenage pregnancy.

We deliver engaging interactive workshop's in school's, that teach pupil's the realities of teenage pregnancy and parenthood, using real life stories and experience.

Home: Welcome

Who are we?

We are a team of young parent's that are dedicated to teaching young people what it really means to become a parent at a young age. 

What do we offer to secondary school's and colleges in the UK?

We offer school's affordable, educational workshop's on the realities of teenage parenthood, delivered by trained young parents devoted to telling their stories.

What do we teach in our Teenage Pregnancy Workshop's?

Click on the link below to see what we cover in our Teenage Pregnancy Workshop's.

"It was such a blessing to have you. Yet again, you did a wonderful job! There’s still a buzz around the school now and conversations are still being had about the days"

Elizabeth Woodville School's

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